Reference Materials
- ★ Managing your SurveyCTO account
- ★ SurveyCTO Collect call management video overview
- ★ Best practices for configuring and securing enumerator devices
- ★ Field plug-in catalog
- SurveyCTO Glossary
- How to translate your web forms' interface so that anyone can understand them
- Quick start guide: Managing enumerators
- Using data from another form
- Pause a team to help economize between projects
- Deploying form definitions and server datasets
- Web forms resource catalog
- New functions in 2.70
- An overview of SurveyCTO servers
- Best practice with updating SurveyCTO Collect
- Working between servers, including transferring form definitions and data between them
- Limitations of SurveyCTO
- Why your submissions don’t reset upon billing
- Purging data on your server
- Difference between duration() and end-start
- Stata command to shift time zones
- Stata command to download data using the API
- Stata command for renaming media files
- Stata commands for sensor data
- Using sensor meta-data
- Show the label (instead of value) of a select_one or select_multiple answer in a later question
- How to display multiple questions on the same screen
- Can SurveyCTO capture GPS coordinates/geo-location data?
- Is it possible to do surveys in multiple languages?
- Technical escalation policy