Quick start guide: Managing enumerators

This is a quick start guide on how to manage enumerators in SurveyCTO. Check out our documentation to learn more, as well as this webinar for a demonstration.

In SurveyCTO Collect 2.72, we released enumerator management functionality. This is a great way to easily use and manage the same list of enumerators across multiple projects.

Why use enumerator management?

If you are conducting multiple CAPI or CATI projects with several enumerators, you might have come across the challenge to identify them in each submission and assess how to track their performance accordingly. Here is how the functionality to manage enumerators can help you:

  1. Manage your enumerators in a quick, easier and more secure way. You will be able to add, remove or edit enumerators with the flexibility of a spreadsheet, without the need to manage and secure credentials.
  2. Explore enumerator performance in real time. Our Data Explorer will automatically include enumerator performance comparisons in its default suggested field summaries.
  3. Combine enumerator management with case management. If you are using case management, you will be able to assign each case to an enumerator in the enumerators column.

How to use enumerator management?

To use enumerator functionality, you will need to set up:

  1. An enumerator dataset, and
  2. A form with an enumerator field

Then, when enumerators fill out the form, it will track which enumerator filled it out.

1. Setting up an enumerator dataset

The enumerator dataset stores a list of all enumerators. You can use it to easily add, update, and remove enumerators. Each enumerator should have at least an id and name value, but you can add other properties if you'd like.

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2. Adding the enumerator field to your form

Add an enumerator field to your form to store information about the enumerator who filled out that form.

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3. Filling out a form with an enumerator field

When enumerators go to fill out the form, they will either select their name from a list, enter their enumerator ID, or scan a QR code with their ID. The list of enumerators can also be filtered based on their login credentials.

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