How to add a new user


You must have a user role that allows you to add users.

These steps repeat the actions that were taken in the video above.


  1. Log into your SurveyCTO server console.
  2. Go to the Configure tab of your server console.
  3. Scroll down to the Your users section.
  4. Click Add user.
  5. Select the User Role from the dropdown.
  6. Enter the email address or username.
  7. Select Invite users to create their own password or enter the password.
  8. Click Add user.
  9. You should now see the message User was added successfully.

The new user should now be able to log into the SurveyCTO server console and SurveyCTO Collect.


Do all users require an email address?

The Data Collection Only role allows the user to be created using either an email address or a username, all other user roles require an email address.

What happens when I create a new user account?

Once a new user is added, the credentials can be used to access the server console and SurveyCTO Collect according to their user role. If you are creating a new user that requires an email address, the new user will be notified via email with an invitation to join the server:

  • If you enabled the option Invite user to create their own password, the user will be directed to create a password once they click on the invitation link.
  • If you created a password for the new user, they will receive an invitation email with instructions to contact you for the password unless you enabled the option Include password in email invitation.
Why didn’t the user I created receive an email invitation?

All new users with an email address as their username should receive an email invitation. If they haven’t received one, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Double check the email address you entered when creating the new user.
  2. Remind the new user to check their spam or junk mail folders for the email invitation.
How can I restrict permission levels to users?

The user permission levels are specified in the user role and they determine what the user has access to see and do in the server console. You can adjust user permission levels by editing the user’s current role or by re-assigning the user to a different user role. While the permission levels allow you to restrict access to specific actions (i.e. download data), they don’t allow you to restrict access to specific forms. If you want to restrict access to forms, you might want to consider adding teams to your subscription.

What are user roles?

SurveyCTO includes five pre-configured, global user roles and the ability to create custom roles as needed. These user roles control the level of access throughout the system. Learn more about user roles and permissions here.

Can I add many users at once?

At this time, SurveyCTO does not allow for user creation in bulk. You can however add enumerators en masse. To learn more about the difference between users and enumerators, see this documentation.

Do I need to create a separate user for each enumerator?

Every enumerator has to have a login, but multiple enumerators can share the same login. Depending on your project/organization specifics, you might want to create a user for each enumerator, but there are options for creating and managing enumerators in SurveyCTO.

How do I remove/delete a user?

Login to your SurveyCTO console. Go to the Configure tab and scroll down to the Your users section. Click the delete icon on the right of the user you wish to delete.

Please take note that any active device using those credentials for SurveyCTO Collect will stop communicating with the server once the user has been deleted, so you will need to update the credentials accordingly.

Further Reading

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