These steps repeat the actions that were taken in the video above.
You must be an Administrator of your server to manage user roles.
- On your server console, go to the Configure tab.
- Under User roles and permissions, click Create role.
- Give the new user role a title, ID, and short description.
- [Optional]: Update the optional settings, such as the dataset ID for case management, API access, and others.
- Scroll to Access to groups (or Access control on single-team servers).
- For each group you would like the user role to have access to, go to that tab, and select the permissions that user should have.
- For a single-team server, there will be no tabs, just a single module where you can select permissions.
- Click Create role. The user role will be created.
- Under Your users, either add a new user with that user role using Add user, or update an existing user's user role using Edit to the right of their username.
Can I change a user's user role later?
Usually. If a user has an email address username (e.g. ""), then you can change their user role later. If the user has a non-email address username (e.g. "enumerator1"), then you cannot change their user role.
What is a global user role?
Your server comes with 5 global user roles. These are user roles that have access to all groups, but with different permissions (e.g. "Data collection only" users can only collect data, but they can collect data for all forms).
How many user roles can I have?
You can have as many user roles as you'd like.
Further Reading
To learn more about user roles, check out our documentation Managing user roles. To learn about teams, check out How to manage teams.
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