Sample management: tracking the status of respondents

This article is accompanied by sample forms, dataset definitions and sample data saved in this folder. For help on deploying the workflow, skip to 2. Deploy the workflow now!.

1. Overview

In data collection projects, enumerators often need to transport themselves to the location of the respondents, assess their availability, and conduct the interviews. A common example of this process is household surveys. Enumerators need to locate the households, assess whether the eligible household member(s) are available and whether they consent to the interview. In these workflows, it can be helpful to gather metadata about the visits, such as the number of visits to that household, the number of visits done by each enumerator, the outcome of the last visit, respondent disposition, and more. This information is useful for the enumerators to track their progress, and for field managers to track the progress of their sample.

Sample management is particularly challenging when working offline, but with SurveyCTO advanced offline features your enumerators will be able to track the status of respondents without any internet connection.

Advanced offline feature
For a 100% offline workflow, you can enable our advanced offline features, which are not part of a standard subscription. Get in touch to activate advanced offline functionality.

This use case covers the following sections:

  1. Deploy the workflow now!
  2. Understanding the workflow
  3. Workflow Components
  4. Customization and improvements

In this workflow, you will be able to

surveycto_icon.png Track the number of visits to each household.
surveycto_icon.png Track the number of visits by each enumerator.
surveycto_icon.png Track the number of households completed by each enumerator.
surveycto_icon.png Track the number of interviews completed by each enumerator.
surveycto_icon.png Reschedule visits.
surveycto_icon.png Display and use previously collected data related to households and visits.
surveycto_icon.png Close cases as they are completed, so households no longer appear in the list of cases that need to be completed.

2. Deploy the workflow now!

Click below to view this workflow in the Hub and install it on your server.

Install Workflow

Note: This is a case management workflow. To test it, follow these steps after deploying the workflow. The cases dataset name is "Sample cases".


Advanced users can find the sample workflow files in this folder. For help with manual deployment, check out our support article Deploying form definitions and server datasets.

3. Understanding the workflow

For an overview of the workflow, take a look at this flowchart:

Click image to enlarge


To be able to effectively test this workflow you can follow these outlined tasks:

Step_1.png Prepare SurveyCTO Collect to work on this workflow:
  1. Enable Manage Cases. To learn how, see Guide to case management part 3: Collecting data using case management, section On a mobile device.
  2. From the main menu of SurveyCTO Collect, open Get Blank Form, and download the form "Sample management: Household tracking" (ID: sample_management_household_tracking)
Step_2.png In SurveyCTO, click on Manage Cases and select a case to work on.


Step_3.png Open and fill out the "Sample management: Household tracking" form. Depending on whether the household member is available or not, the form will display different features. Below, you can find a few examples.

If the household member is not available, you can reschedule the visit for a better time.


If the household member is available, ask for consent before proceeding the interview.


Step_4.png Next time you open the form, your survey summary will show you the latest numbers updated (Note: This will only work fully offline with SurveyCTO Advanced offline features. Otherwise, to get the latest summary, you must submit the form to the server and install the latest form version on the device).


Step_5.png Once the form has been submitted to the server, take a look at the updated server dataset in the Design tab of your server console.


4. Workflow components

This workflow has one form and one cases dataset. Below, you can find a non-comprehensive list of all components, the corresponding files, and their main purposes. If you would like to learn more about how each component works, its structure, and its technical characteristics, take a look here.

Workflow Component Files
Click on the section to access the files.
Name Sample management: Household tracking
File(s) Definition: Sample management: Household tracking
Description Gathers information about each household and the household members.
Enumerator Datasets
Name Sample enumerators

Definition: Enumerator dataset definition- Sample management
Data: Dataset data - Sample enumerators

Description Stores information about each enumerator, including how many visits they have made, how many cases they have completed, and how many households they have interviewed.
Cases Datasets
Name Sample cases
File(s) Definition: Cases dataset definition- Sample management
Data: Cases data - Sample cases
Description Stores information about each household (case). When a case is closed, it will no longer appear in the Manage Cases menu.

5. Customization and improvements

SurveyCTO has endless possibilities, so this workflow is only the beginning. Feel free to modify and expand this workflow to fit your own needs. Here are some tips on what you could add:

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